5 Reasons to Get Air Quality Services for Your Home

How clean is the air inside of your home? That answer may surprise you.

The EPA actually states that the air quality in your home may be more polluted than the air outside, even in large cities.

Fortunately, there are solutions to ensure that the air quality in your home is safe and healthy for your family.

air quality services

Here are 5 reasons you should strongly consider air quality services for your home:

#1. Your Furniture May Be At Fault

Did you know that almost all furniture made prior to 2006 contains toxic chemicals used as flame retardants?

Beyond 2006, this was still considered a regular practice for furniture. Chlorinated tris was added back in with similar health concerns. The chemical was banned in the 70s from being used in making children’s pajamas.

Depending on the age of your furniture, you may need air quality services. And possibly, new furniture.

#2. Air Fresheners?

Candles and air fresheners may add a nice scent to your home, but make sure you know what you’re using.

Most air fresheners contain phthalates, which has been proven to disrupt hormone function in children. Candles, on the other hand, contain known carcinogens in the form of waxes and plastics. Be sure to look at the kind of candle you use, and make sure it’s made from natural substances like beeswax.

#3. Your Fertility May Be At Risk

Believe it or not, your ink printer may also be a source of pollution in your home. Inkjet printers contain glymes, an industrial chemical linked to developmental and reproductive damage.

The comfort and welcoming benefits of air quality services may be one thing, but fertility is another. Consider having your photos printed at the store.

#4. The Elderly Suffer From A Lack of Air Quality Services

Does grandma live with your family, or come to visit frequently? She may be suffering from the low quality of air inside your home.

Because elderly people tend to spend much of the day inside, they are most likely to be affected by pollutants and chemicals. Steps to reduce your exposure include opening the windows and changing your filters out frequently to ensure your loved ones are safe.

Opening your windows regularly will decrease the buildup of pollutants around your home.

#5. Your Cleaning Equipment May Be A Culprit, Too

While your vacuum will help suck up the dust and allergens that can pollute your home, the chemicals you use to clean to get the job done may be harming your family.

While cleaning your home is important, there are many natural remedies you can use eliminate odor and keep your home clean. Consider adding houseplants, buying essential oils, and even making homemade potpourri to freshen up the smell of your home on occasion.

Wrapping it Up

The air you breathe inside your home is not as clean as you think.

Whether it’s your old furniture, candles or inkjet printers, you should be aware of the pollutants and chemicals that may be ruining the quality of your air.

Opening a window may be a simple solution, but there are also a number of air quality services and products you might consider, too. To learn more about the services we offer, contact us.

The air inside of your home should be as clean, if not cleaner, than the air outside. Take the steps necessary to keep your air clean and your family healthy!

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