3 Reasons why your Air Conditioning System is Not Cooling as Efficiently as it Could

Is your air conditioner working but not cooling?

If your air conditioner isn’t providing the cooling power you expect you’re not only suffering needlessly, you’re throwing your money away.

Is there something preventing your cooling system from operating at its optimum performance level?

Maximizing The Cool

3 Reasons Your Air Conditioner is Not Cooling

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates cooling costs make up 54% of a given utility bill.

Investigating why your air conditioner is not operating at top power will not only save you money, it will ensure your home is ready for the challenges of Summer.

  1. Running Air Conditioner Unit.Dirty Evaporator Coils: Evaporator coils are often neglected, the result being a build-up of lint, mold and other particles. HVAC experts, ACHR News, recommend that evaporator coils are cleaned at least once a year to ensure sufficient airflow to the cooling system.
  2. Inadequate Refrigerant Levels: If your air conditioner is leaking refrigerant, adding more will not solve the problem. Fixing a leak and having it charged to the correct refrigerant level will enable your cooling system to operate at maximum efficiency. This is not something you should try to do yourself. Call a professional like Enhanced Heating and Air Conditioning.
  3. Leaking Ducts: Experts suggest having your duct system tested for leaks. This will guarantee that cold air is not escaping, it now being directed to the correct areas of your home.

The Comfort Of Your Home For Years To Come

Maintaining your air conditioner will bring you years of pleasure, your family’s home comfortable and cool.

A happy, comfortable family.From drainage issues to sensor problems, Energy.gov offers helpful hints to solve your climate control needs. Looking into all possible problems will send that relaxing chill you’ve always dreamed of straight into your home.

It has been found that air conditioning also improves job performance, another great example of how air conditioning affects our daily lives.

From checking your circuit box to digging a bit deeper and examining the compressor’s wires, understanding the nuts-and-bolts of your cooling system will benefit your household tremendously.

Control Your Climate, Enhance Your Home

Regulating the temperature in your home is a major concern.

Scheduled maintenance of your air conditioner will provide everything your family needs for  those long, Summer days ahead.

Call on Enhanced Heating and Air Conditioning at 302-416-4730 at least once a year to check on and maintain your air conditioning system for optimal efficiency.  We serve all of New Castle County DelawareKent County Delaware and Cecil County Maryland.  We provide a full range of HVAC services to include AC repair, maintenance and installation, heater or furnace repair, maintenance and installation as well as help you maintain the best quality of air inside your home or office.

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