Future Forecast Trends: The Demand for HVAC Technicians

Over a million years ago, man created fire to stay warm and changed the course of history. Since then, the methods for keeping warm have steadily improved. Having heat in our homes these days is often taken for granted.

Because of modern HVAC technology, our world has become more livable and much more comfortable.  Without this technology, living in certain areas of the world just wouldn’t be possible.

The technology for HVAC work continues to evolve at a rapid pace. This is due to more sophisticated systems for automatic temperature control, as well as improved air quality.

HVAC technicians will be in high demand for installing new systems and for older systems that will need regular maintenance and repairs.

hvac technicians

New Technology = New System Installs

Both environmental factors and scientific knowledge have helped to drive innovation for the HVAC industry.

Because of the continuing technological developments, new systems continue being built. HVAC technicians will be needed to help homeowners and business owners to upgrade when the time comes.

HVAC Technicians Demand Predicted to Grow

The BLS predicts a 15 percent job growth from 2016 to 2026. This is due to more sophisticated climate-control HVAC systems being used plus, increased residential and commercial construction.

More emphasis is placed on reducing pollution and upgrading energy efficiency. This will result in new systems requiring the skill of technicians to retrofit, upgrade or even, replace the current system altogether.

Better Air Quality Means Better Health

Newer technology means better air quality in our homes. Indoor air quality is crucial to our good health. Allergens and other bacteria can invade our living space if not filtered and routed outside.

New furnishings, new carpeting, pets and pollutants from outside can affect the air quality in your home. A good HVAC company and technician will help you to decide the best filtering system for your home.

Stay Comfortable All Year

The constant wear and tear on your heating and air conditioning systems can cause major problems. Properly maintaining your HVAC units will ensure that they keep you comfortable all year round.

What would happen if you lost your heat during the coldest part of the year? Or your air conditioning unit broke down during a heat wave? The resulting consequences could be quite damaging and even, dangerous.

Your HVAC units need a professional tune-up twice a year. All units require a thorough inspection, which includes checking all duct-work and pipes.

A Professional HVAC Company You Can Count On

We offer a variety of services to handle all of your HVAC needs including 24/7 emergency services.

It can be stressful when your heat or air conditioning goes out. Finding a good contractor that can help doesn’t have to be. We won’t leave you out in the cold. When you need us, we’ll be there!

All of our HVAC technicians are licensed, bonded and insured for your peace of mind. Contact us today if you would like an experienced professional to recommend the right service for your home.

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