Why Is My AC Unit Leaking Water?

Fixing a leaking indoor HVAC unit.When the heat of summer sets in, a common question you’ll hear from home owners is, “Why is my AC unit leaking water?” If it happens to you, you’ll want to find out what caused the leak and stop it before it gets worse.

The home AC unit is designed to filter warm or humid air in your home through its condenser unit and turn it dry and cool. As air condenses in the unit, it forms water, which can start leaking for a number of reasons.

So, what exactly makes your AC unit leak?

Reasons Why

  1. Clogged Drain Line

A clogged drain line is one of the leading causes of a leaky AC unit. Dirt, mold or sludge may block the drain, and when this occurs, water may flow back and leak.

According to Andrew Leahey, a guest author at Home Guides, you can clean a clogged condensate drain using bleach or vinegar.

  1. Rusty Drain Pan

An old air conditioner (12 to 15 years) could be the reason behind that leak. The drain pan of an old AC may be rusty or damaged, making it easy for water to fall through. To fix the leak, replace the pan.

  1. Broken Condenser Pump

The other cause for your AC unit leaking water could be a broken pump. How do you tell whether this is the problem? Pour water into the unit’s condenser pan. A well-functioning pump should pump out the excess water. If it can’t pump water outside, then the pump is likely damaged and should be repaired or replaced.

  1. Improper Installation

At times, an air conditioner can be uneven if it’s not properly installed. So, when you see a leak, you may want to check the unit to ensure it’s leveled properly.

  1. Low Refrigerant

Low refrigerant lowers the AC system’s pressure, and consequently, the evaporator coil freezes. As the coil melts, water may overflow the drain pan. How do you know you are low on refrigerant? You’ll know this is the case when:

  • The air conditioner won’t cool well
  • The unit produces a bubbling noise or hissing sound

Depending on how severe the refrigerant leak is, you may fix the leak or replace the entire AC unit.

How to Prevent Your AC Unit from Leaking Water

Indoor HVAC and furnace unit.While you can fix some of the issues as mentioned above, you can prevent this whole problem from happening.

It’s recommended you get an air conditioning expert to inspect the AC unit once a year.

The technicians at Enhanced Heating and Air can perform an inspection for you, as well as offer any maintenance you may need on your AC unit.

The air conditioning tune up or inspection should occur shortly before summer or during the non-peak season; and it should entail replacing filters, ensuring the refrigerant is topped off, and ensuring the drainage system isn’t clogged with debris.

As a writer at Energy.Gov suggests, the inspector should also use a leak detector to test for any refrigerant leaks.

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