Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Your Home

Household air pollution is responsible for an estimated 3.2 million deaths a year. Air pollution exposure can also increase your risk of lung cancer, stroke, COPD, and heart disease. Instead of leaving your family at risk, start applying these air quality solutions.

With these tips, you can improve air quality within your home, making it a safer and more comfortable place to live.

Clear the air with these indoor air quality solutions!

air quality solutions

Replace Your Filter

About 82% of Americans fail to change their air filters monthly. Another 29% never change the air filter in their homes. Of those who do change it, 31% only change it every few months.

Only 18% change their air filters once a month (as recommended).

Add a reminder to your calendar to change your air filter every month. Filters can remove allergens and air pollutants from your home. If you neglect to change your air filter, your HVAC unit will work twice as hard to function.

The unit could break down, leading to more costly repairs.

During heavy-use months (in the summer or winter), change your filter at least monthly. Choose filters with a high MERV rating. The higher the rating, the better the filter is at catching tiny particles.

Start Cleaning

Maintain good indoor hygiene to improve your home’s air quality. Cleaning regularly will reduce pollutants like dust, mold, and pet dander.

Make sure to vacuum your carpets weekly using a HEPA-rated filter. Wash your bedding using hot water to kill allergy-triggering dust mites. Don’t forget to wipe down hard surfaces using a damp cloth to capture particles.

While cleaning, open your windows. Natural ventilation can help improve your home’s air quality. Open the window a crack for about 10 minutes a day during cooler months to avoid stale air.

Keep the windows closed when outdoor pollution is high.

Purchase a Purifier

Invest in an air purifier to improve your home’s air quality. Different types include:

  • Ultraviolet technology
  • Activated carbon technology
  • HEPA purifiers
  • Ionic purifiers

These indoor air quality solutions will filter the air. Make sure to clean the filter regularly.

Your local air quality contractor can make customized recommendations if you need a new air cleaner or humidifier.

Remove Candles

Certain candles can worsen your home’s indoor air quality. Most candles are made with paraffin wax or synthetic fragrance oils. These compounds release airborne soot, which can trigger respiratory symptoms.

Instead, use candles made of plant-based waxes (soy, palm oil, beeswax, etc.).

Consider adding a few air-cleaning plants to your home. These plants can remove toxins from the air. The leafier and larger the plant, the greater its air-purifying impact.

The best air-purifying plants include snake plants, peace lilies, Boston ferns, and English ivy.

Apply These Air Quality Solutions Today

Improving your home’s air quality will make it a more comfortable place to live. Use these air quality solutions to make a change for the better.

Need help improving your indoor air quality? We’re only a call away!

The team at Enhanced Heating & Air Conditioning has years of hands-on air quality experience. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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