What to Know Before Replacing an HVAC Unit

hvac unitDid you know that a little more than half of all energy consumption in U.S. households is for heating and cooling? Your HVAC unit is crucial to your family’s comfort and safety.

If you’re having problems with heating or cooling your home, it has a real impact on your quality of life. No one wants to be boiling in the summer and freezing in the winter!

If you’ve tried everything but your system still doesn’t work, it’s likely time for a replacement. Before you spend your hard-earned money on a new HVAC system, here’s what you need to know.

Your HVAC System’s History

What’s the age of your HVAC system? Many systems last 20 years or even longer but at some point, you’ll need a new system.

HVAC systems that are older than 15 years use R-22 Freon which is not an eco-friendly option. When your older system needs repairs, they’re more expensive because of the rising cost of Freon.

Modern systems are also much more efficient and cost less money to run. Even though your up-front costs of replacement seem high, you’ll spend less on your energy bills with a new system.

Weigh the costs of getting a new system against the costs of continued repairs if your system is older. It’s often a better choice to invest in a new system sooner rather than later.

Cooling and Heating Size and Capacity

If one part of your system, such as the compressor, needs replacing, it’s better to update both parts of your HVAC system. It’s important to get the correct size system for your home’s needs.

Installing the wrong size system results in energy inefficiency and higher utility costs. Your HVAC services technician can help you figure out the right size for your home.

A basic rule of thumb is that if your home is 1,100 square feet or less, you’ll need about 1.5 tons of capacity. Between 900 and 1,400 square feet requires about two tons of capacity. The bigger the home, the more capacity you’ll need.

Climate Considerations

Your HVAC technician takes into account the local climate conditions for your HVAC system. If you live in a hot, humid climate, your needs are different from someone who lives in a cooler climate.

Choose a system that has a good Energy Star rating. This means your system works efficiently year-round. This saves you money and is better for the environment.

The Installation

The HVAC technician checks your ductwork to determine whether it needs replacing or repairs. If it does, expect the system replacement to take a little longer.

Sometimes you’ll need electrical updates and drywall repairs, depending on the condition of your home.

Once you have your new system installed, remember to get on a regular maintenance schedule with your HVAC company. Proper maintenance keeps your system running efficiently for many years.

Replacing an HVAC Unit

Replacing an HVAC unit is a big investment. Consider the above points when buying a new system.

Our team at Enhanced Heating & Air Conditioning is experienced and knowledgeable. If you’re thinking of investing in a new HVAC system or need some advice on deciding between repairing an old system and investing in a new one, contact us today!

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