Four Things Your HVAC Technician Knows That You Don’t

Air conditioner and controls.

Most people don’t really give much thought to their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (where the acronym HVAC comes from) until they’re inconvenienced by it breaking or not having it in the first place.

But there are plenty of things to know about the products and HVAC companies that make your home comfy, cozy, and livable.

Differences Between Heating Systems

There are quite a few different types of heating systems that all have almost completely different properties.

Electric and natural gas heating systems tend to be the most common with electric systems being found mostly in rural areas, apartments, and condos. While electric heating costs are usually pretty stable (and on average more expensive than natural gas), natural gas systems tend to fluctuate, getting higher in the fall and winter.

Solar energy is one of the most energy efficient systems available. Though it is renewable, it tends to be only for heat, due to it transferring the heat from the sun into heat for the home. It may be costly to install, but that tends to be paid back due to the fact that it is around 50% less costly, per year, than electric and natural gas heating.

Diagram of a geothermal heating system.Geothermal systems are drilled into the ground, using the heat from the earth to heat homes in the winter and acting as a heat sink in the winter, allowing heat to return to the earth. This is one of the two most renewable forms of heating and cooling methods but it is also costly to install.

How Air Conditioning Works

Most people think that air conditioning somehow magically sucks in warm air from the outside or that it supercools it before it comes into the home. Actually, air conditioning works by sucking out hot air and recycling some of the air, bringing it back into the home. This recycled air is brought in through a filter and removes dust, dander, and lint.

How Many BTUs to Cool Your Home

Although BTUs, or British Thermal Units, are based on how much energy is required to heat or cool one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit, it does have practical applications for your home as well.

A good HVAC professional will be able to look at the room that you want to keep cool during hot summer months and tell you exactly how many BTUs will be required to cool that room to a comfortable temperature.

What they will look at is the square footage of the room, insulation, the amount of sunlight that enters the room, and whether the room is sometimes heated by other means (such as a kitchen).

This will determine how many watts of power are needed for your air conditioning unit, preventing an unnecessarily large and expensive unit being installed as well as preventing the installation of an insufficiently powerful unit.

Heat Pump Maintenance

The name “heat pump” is somewhat deceiving. It gives the impression that a heat pump is only used to pump heat into an area. It does move heat into a specific area but it can be used both to move heat into or out of your home.

Your HVAC professional knows how important this device can be and can educate you on some maintenance tips. Ensuring proper maintenance will help your heat pump system work more efficiently and effectively, lowering your monthly energy bill and giving your heat pump more longevity.

Cleaning and changing your filters monthly as well as having your heat pump serviced or inspected annually are just two of the most important tips to keep your home cooled in the summer and warm in the winter.

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